Mark Green of Tennessee Won’t Support New Spending Bill


U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, weighed in Tuesday on reports about a spending deal between the White House and Congressional leaders.

In a press release, Green made an analogy to which almost every American can relate.

“Imagine someone living far beyond their means. He receives a large income, yes, but he has a giant mortgage, a luxury vehicle, high-end clothing and expensive hobbies. His expenses far exceed his income. Year after year goes by, but he never changes his lifestyle. Debt piles up. Now he’s worried about missing payments on his bills. So, he looks for another loan. A normal bank would never loan this person more money. Would you?” Green asked.

“In this case, the bank is the American taxpayer. And the taxpayer is represented by Congress. And leaders in Congress are poised to loan this guy (the federal government) more money, rather than instruct him to adjust his lifestyle. The spending deal before us would continue Washington’s reckless spending with an unlimited line of credit. That means our children and grandchildren will pay for it. While I am glad our military receives a boost under this deal, and Fort Campbell would benefit, I cannot support this bill. We can—and must—do better.”

Green went on to say President Donald Trump has put forward a budget with “serious spending cuts.”

“Congress should start there instead,” Green said.

As The Tennessee Star reported in April, Green held a town hall meeting in Brentwood. Most audience members told Green, among other things, they think Washington, D.C. politicians have a spending problem and not a revenue problem, and they oppose more taxes.

Green is a former Tennessee legislator and successful businessman. The healthcare company Green founded garnered $200 million in annual revenue. His chief legislative accomplishment was repealing the Hall Income Tax, the second time in U.S. history a state repealed an income tax.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mark Green” by Mark Green. 




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2 Thoughts to “Mark Green of Tennessee Won’t Support New Spending Bill”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported this week, U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional […]

  2. 83ragtop50

    I sure hope that John Rose has the guts to vote NO on this crazy bill that removes any controls on running up the already incomprehensible deficit.
